Digital marketing strategies to get you more customers and more sales with a smaller investment.


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In the “old days” if you wanted to advertise your business you used methods like print, radio, or potentially TV. Today, these methods are considered traditional advertising and while they still have their place, they have some major drawbacks compared to newer digital options available to businesses today.

Perhaps the most significant drawback to traditional advertising methods is simply the inability to track your marketing and the response to it. Do you know how many people will actually hear your radio ad, or see your TV commercial, or read the ad that you place in a print source like a newspaper or on a billboard? Typically, you have to take the word of an ad rep who is simply using a speculative estimation. Using specialized coupon codes or tracking phone numbers, you can determine where some leads come from but ultimately you’re using guesswork to determine the effectiveness of your advertising campaigns. When it comes down to it, anytime guesswork is involved, you’re most likely not using your funds most effectively.

With modern digital advertising, we can determine and track exactly how many people have seen your ad, how many times they saw it, how many engaged with it, and then how many followed through as leads, made purchases, etc. So we can track exactly where your advertising efforts are most effective and where they need help.

Digital marketing encompasses a wide variety of different methods and platforms from Adwords Pay-Per-Click to Email marketing, to Social Media ads on platforms like Facebook and Twitter, to Video Marketing. Many of these options allow you to target your marketing to specific groups of people or demographics.

No matter what targeting you may have in mind, digital platforms give you the information you need to accurately determine the return on your marketing investment and ultimately allow you to make the best decisions when it comes to your marketing strategy and budget allocation.